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Cycles in Time, SALA, Adelaide Botanic Gardens 2019
Artists: Patricia Rose, Kate Jenkins, Kristin Wohlers
Lens on Time, SALA, Barossa Bushgardens 2018
Artists: Patricia Rose, Kate Jenkins, Kristin Wohlers
Aerial photography: Guy Draper
Barossa Valley Vintage Festival 2017
Artists: Patricia Rose, Lottie Rosensweig, Rebecca Falland, Jill Mader
Presence of Absence, New York 2015
Artists: Patricia Rose, Sally Goers Fox, Chelsea Masteller Warren, Edith Zeller Swiss
Presence of Absence, Barossa Regional Gallery 2013
Artists: Patricia Rose, Sally Goers Fox, Chelsea Masteller Warren, Edith Zeller Swiss
Travaux en Cours, Barossa Valley 2013
Artists: Patricia Rose (assisted by HayleyKroschel), Barrie Goddard, Arlon Hall, Sally Goers Fox, Annabelle Rees, Rebecca Falland & Kathy Romeo, Robert Bader, Lise Temple, Jane Alcorn, Louise Ginsberg, Ilona Glastonbury

Stones/Air – Barossa International Sculpture Symposium 2008
Artists: Patricia Rose, Sally Goers Fox, Chelsea Masteller Warren, and volunteers
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